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April, 2018

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

April 9, 2018

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM.

2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Lindsi Kerstetter, Debbie Hill, Jennifer

Roberts, Nick Nixon, and Mary Bohn. Note that Kevin Howze has resigned from the Board and

is being replaced by Nick Nixon.

3. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report

a. Status on liens for unpaid dues from 2017 and prior (Debbie)

i. Three homeowners fall into this category. Debbie will contact Beverly at Lone Oak

Pointe regarding their process for filing liens.

b. Status on 2018 dues (Debbie)

i. There are currently 10 unpaid dues for this year.

c. Status on deactivation of gate clickers for homeowners whose dues remain unpaid.

(Lindsi – complete, and will reactivate clickers for those who have paid)

i. Note: the homeowners can enter their codes manually at the gate to enter, but the

clickers will be deactivated.)

5. Grounds/Facilities Report

a. Review quotes and select landscaper for 2018 (Lindsi and Board)

i. Quotes were reviewed from Fernando and Battles, and the Board decided to accept

the quote from Fernando.

ii. Lindsi will notify Fernando and ask him to work with Nick ongoing. Fernando’s

quote included the labor for planting annuals and perennials, but not the cost of

the plants themselves. The Board decided that we will purchase the plants


iii. Mary will notify Battles that we did not accept his bid.

iv. Nick will work on an overall plan for the flower beds.

b. Status on one-time credit requested from the city for water usage (Debbie – closed, city

denied our request)

c. Status on sprinkler repairs by JMac (Debbie – JMac is expected to come out within a

week to take a look at the issues)

i. Recent water break at front entrance

ii. Broken sprinkler head in the Wild Creek common area

iii. Possible break at the playground

d. Update on street light which is out at the entrance. (Lindsi – the city came out in

response to work order 900868042, and she believes the light is fixed but will confirm

with the city)

e. Street sign for 159th & Creek Heights, which we have been unable to fix. (on hold)

6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none

7. Old Business

a. Bricks have fallen off the wall at the entrance.

i. Frankie’s quoted $275 for labor and concrete, assuming we can use the existing


ii. Bill Turner forwarded a quote to the HOA email

iii. Nick will obtain a quote and the Board will make a decision.

b. Gate code changes

i. For two house which closed in February (Lindsi – complete)

ii. For the house built last year by Carr (pending, Debbie sent letter on 4/9)

c. Review insurance coverage (Debbie – complete. Officers and the Board of Directors are

covered for $1M liability).

d. Take over gate responsibility (Jennifer – completed at the meeting).

8. New Business

a. The Moorheads have requested a locking gate from their backyard to the playground.

The Board agreed under the assumption that the homeowner will cover the cost. Lindsi

will communicate with the homeowner.

b. Common area fence on 158th street – the homeowner adjacent to this fence would like

the Board to pay for cleaning and staining this fence as they are doing with theirs. The

Board declined and Lindsi will communicate with the homeowner.

c. Street repairs are needed for the cracks which have developed since the street repair

and surfacing in 2016. Funding is an issue.

d. Parking in the street at night has been noticed as a pattern at several homes. Nick will

give Mary the addresses for issuing non-compliance letters.

e. The Board will need to schedule the annual neighborhood walkthrough, and we’ll look

at the fences in the common areas.

9. Date and time of the next meeting – Monday, May 14, at 7:00 PM at the Hill home.

____________________________________ ___________________________ Lindsi Kerstetter, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date

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