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December, 2018

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

December 10, 2018

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Lindsi Kerstetter, Debbie Hill, Nick

Nixon, Jennifer Roberts, and Mary Bohn.

3. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report (Debbie)

a. Regarding unpaid dues from 2017 and prior (one homeowner) – the lien has been filed

and garnishment of wages is moving forward.

b. Bills paid this month included the street repairs and three months of landscaping,

through October.

5. Grounds/Facilities Report

a. Street Repairs - all major and small cracks have been fixed by Merritt Paving.

b. Sprinklers - winterizing of all of the watering zones and fixing a leak at the east end of

the creek have been completed.

6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none

7. Old Business

a. Budget for 2019

i. Debbie will need additional time to work on the budget, but our initial assessment

is that we do not need to increase the dues for 2019. Any Board members with

items for the budget should email Debbie within the next week.

ii. The budget should include some needed welding and painting on the gates. This

should not be a large expense.

b. Non-compliance letters were sent to three homeowners due to parking in the street

overnight and not having the required two trees per corner lot.

8. New Business

a. A homeowner asked about Christmas lights at the front entrance. We do not have

electricity at the entrance and cannot tap into the gate box for power. Lone Oak Pointe

investigated adding electricity at their entrance and it was very expensive. Lindsi will

ask about their estimated costs, but we do not feel it is a priority for our neighborhood.

9. Date and time of the next meeting

a. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 7th, at 7:00 PM at the Hill home. In

addition to holding our monthly meeting, we will stuff the envelopes for the annual dues

and meeting notification. (Debbie will prepare invoices for stuffing during the meeting.

Mary will prepare the annual letter and proxy for stuffing.)

b. The annual meeting will be held on Thursday, January 24th, at 7:00 PM at Francis Tuttle

on Rockwell Ave. (Lindsi will request the meeting room)

____________________________________ ___________________________ Lindsi Kerstetter, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date

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