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April, 2019

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

April 8, 2019

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

  2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Lindsi Kerstetter, Debbie Hill, Nick Nixon, Jennifer Roberts, and Mary Bohn.

  3. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

  4. Treasurer’s Report (Debbie)

  5. Status on unpaid dues for current year – all homeowners have paid their dues with the exception of the house which is vacant and for which foreclosure was started in February.

  6. Status on unpaid prior year dues for one homeowner – the HOA lawyer received a check for the 2017 and 2018 dues but we have not yet received the money from the lawyer. Lindsi will follow up and request detail on the amount of the check.

  7. Grounds/Facilities Report (Nick)

  8. Water bills over the winter are for a base charge and an EPA mandated drainage fee. No action is needed.

  9. The top of the light pole at the north end of Wild Creek Drive has come off. Nick has the top and will call OG&E.

  10. The sprinklers need to be turned back on for watering. Debbie will text Jim, our sprinkler maintenance person.

  11. There is a dead evergreen at the entrance which we will replace with a redbud tree. Nick will get a few quotes and talk to Fernando.

  12. Fernando needs to clean up the flower beds, spray for weeds in cracks, cleanup and mulch the playground, and determine why the grass along Lone Oak Dr. looks bad. Nick will contact him.

  13. A plan for perennials and annuals at the entrance would be helpful. We have about $3K to spend for the full year. Nick will work on a plan.

  14. Jennifer will ask PSI to grease the gates.

  15. For the vacant house starting into foreclosure, the HOA will need to have the lawn mowed until the financial institution owns the house. Debbie will post on Facebook that we will offer to pay someone to cut the grass front and back for $20 each time, no trimming or edging needed.

  16. The house for sale on NW 156th has several fence panels down in back along the canal. Lindsi will contact the owner.

  17. Homeowners need to be reminded not to dump grass bags in the street. Nick will send the desired text to Lindsi. She will email those for whom we have email addresses. For the remaining homeowners, we will tape letters to their doors or mail them. Rental houses will need to have letters sent to the owner.

  18. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none

  19. Old Business

  20. The Longoria’s back fence is shared with the playground, and they have asked the Board to pay half of the cost to replace that fence. Lindsi will find out what the cost would be to the Board, but we agreed that the Board should pay half.

  21. Lindsi will forward the Longoria email to the Board for review and vote.

  22. New Business – none

  23. Mary will send a non-compliance letter to one homeowner regarding parking in the street overnight.

  24. Date and time of the next meeting – Monday, May 6th, at 7:00 PM at the Hill home.

____________________________________ ___________________________ Lindsi Kerstetter, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date

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