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August, 2019

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

August 5, 2019

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM.

  2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Lindsi Kerstetter and Debbie Hill.

  3. Approval of minutes from prior meeting - Mary Bohn was not present so the minutes will be approved at the next meeting.

  4. Treasurer’s Report (Debbie)

  5. Costs included utilities, which have gone up because we finally turned on the water for the sprinklers, and the exterminator for a black widow spider found at the park.

  6. Grounds/Facilities Report

  7. The top of the light pole at the north end of Wild Creek Drive has come off. The prior OG&E work order was closed without the work being completed. Lindsi opened a new work order, 900924372, on May 30th. COMPLETED-the cap has been replaced.

  8. There is a dead evergreen at the entrance which we will replace with a redbud tree, and we would like to add more perennials. Debbie will contact TLC for quotes and have them ready for the Fall planting season.

  9. Lindsi coordinated spraying the playground for bugs after a homeowner found a black widow spider (complete)

  10. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none

  11. Old Business

  12. Following the June neighborhood walkaround, twenty-two noncompliance letters were mailed to homeowners due to lawn or flowerbed maintenance, lack of required trees, etc. Two letters have been returned. Both homes were rentals and sent to the renters and not the actual homeowners. Debbie will resend these two to the correct addresses.

  13. The house sold on NW 156th has several fence panels down in back along the canal. Lindsi will contact the homeowner once they have responded to the new homeowner letter from Debbie. Update - they have not responded to the new homeowner letter. Debbie will send a second notice and clickers will be deactivated by Jennifer. Note that the homeowners can still get through the gates by entering their code manually.

  14. Debbie obtained a cost estimate of about $500 to replace the fence panel, posts, and utility items attached to the panel, at the Wild Creek cul-de-sac. Replacement is needed due to termites. The original bid fell through so Debbie is still soliciting bids. This will be on hold until the next meeting.

  15. New Business

  16. The vacant home that had started into the foreclosure process has been sold in a Sheriffs Sale. The new homeowners will be closing on this property on Friday, August 9th. The Board no longer needs mowing services for that lot, and Debbie will close out the mowing.

  17. A second noncompliance letter is needed for 15705 Creek Heights Drive. They have not contacted the board as requested and have not corrected the violation. This is a rent house. Mary will obtain the owner name and address from Debbie, and send a noncompliance letter.

  18. Letters to new homeowners in June were sent to 4620 NW 156th, 4645 NW 159th and 4624 NW 157th Terrace. The sale fell through on property 4624 NW 157th Terrace and the letter was returned. As stated in 7(b), the new owners for 4620 NW 156th did not respond to the letter and their clickers will be deactivated. Debbie is sending a second notice.

  19. Letters to new homeowners are being sent to 4 properties that closed the end of June through the end of July. The properties are 4708 NW 159th St, 15704 Wild Creek Drive, 4624 NW 157th Terrace (from June 2nd buyer) and 4636 NW 158th Street.

  20. Date and time of the next meeting – Monday, September 9th at 7:00pm at the Hill home.

____________________________________ ___________________________ Lindsi Kerstetter, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date

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