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March, 2019

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

March 4, 2019

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.

  2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Lindsi Kerstetter, Debbie Hill, Jennifer Roberts, and Mary Bohn.

  3. Minutes from the annual and January Board meetings were approved. Note that the Board did not meet in February.

  4. Treasurer’s Report (Debbie)

  5. There were 17 homeowners who had not paid the annual dues as of this meeting. The due date was March 1.

  6. Debbie will send statements to these homeowners letting them know that interest is now accruing, and that the rate due by April 1st is $441.50. If not paid by April 1st, their gate clickers will be deactivated and the unpaid balance will be turned over to the attorney for collection.

  7. Lindsi will send an email to the homeowners for whom we have email addresses.

  8. Prior year unpaid dues for one homeowner – next steps (Lindsi, Debbie)

  9. The lawyer filed a judgement against the homeowner on 9/13/2018, including legal fees. The homeowner had 20 days to respond and did not show up for court.

  10. A hearing on assets has been scheduled for March 26th with a judge to determine the garnishment of wages.

  11. A lien against the property has been filed.

  12. The homeowner has moved out and is currently living in Texas.

  13. $4000 was transferred this month to the street repair fund.

  14. Grounds/Facilities Report (Nick)

  15. Quotes from Landscapingkings and Fernando’s for grounds maintenance were reviewed. The Board decided to stay with Fernando’s.

  16. Nick will notify Fernando

  17. Lindsi will inform Landscapingkings.

  18. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none

  19. Old Business - none

  20. New Business – none

  21. The Longoria’s back fence is shared with the playground, and they have asked the Board to pay half of the cost to replace that fence. Lindsi will find out what the cost would be to the Board, but we agreed that the Board should pay half.

  22. Date and time of the next meeting – Monday, April 8th, at 7:00 PM at the Hill home.

____________________________________ ___________________________ Lindsi Kerstetter, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date

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