2025 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes and 2024 Full-year Financials
Annual Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2025
1. The annual meeting was held at the Francis Tuttle Bruce Gray Center and called
to order at 7:10 PM.
2. Current Board members and their roles were introduced.
3. 2024 highlights
a. Dues will remain the same for 2025.
b. A section of the brick wall on the north side of the entrance, which was
excluded from the original brick wall repair, was examined by a brick
mason and found to not require any work.
c. The work to mulch the playground was performed by the Board and
neighborhood volunteers to save money.
d. Neighborhood street signs were painted by a Board member.
e. Additions to the flower beds were primarily perennials to decrease
future costs. The planting was done by Board members and volunteers
to save money.
f. Financial auditing was a recommendation at the 2024 annual meeting.
Actions resulting were:
i. As in prior years, monthly HOA Board meeting minutes and financials
are posted on the HOA website.
ii. An independent audit was explored but precluded due to high cost and
CPAs not interested in a small job.
iii. To maintain financial accountability, a Board member (not the
Treasurer) scans and loads invoices each month to a document
accessible to all Board members. The same individual reviews
the monthly bank statement and compares invoices to
the statement.
g. An amendment to the Covenants was approved by vote of the Lone Oak Creek
homeowners as of 12/2/2024 and recorded with the county on 12/11/2024.
A summary of the amendment is:
i. Use of home (already in covenants but now explicit)
1. No business, trade or commercial activity (such as short-term
rentals, hotel and motel uses, and day-cares) is allowed
2. Home-based businesses that do not have external visibility of
commercial activity are allowed.
ii. Owner occupancy
1. Subsequent to the court filing date of the amendment, all lots
must be owner-occupied for the first 12 consecutive months
after transfer of title.
2. Owner-occupied means the owner or their family.
iii. Lease restrictions
1. No home may be rented or leased for less than 12 consecutive
months. Rental/lease agreements must be in writing with
copies provided to the HOA Board.
2. All currently leased homes (12) as of the amendment filing date
are grandfathered and can continue to be leased.
3. Following the filing date, no more than an additional 10% of the
homes in the neighborhood (10 homes) can be leased at any
one time. The Board will maintain a list on a first-come,
first-served basis.
iv. Specific assessments
1. The Board will have the power to levy reasonable fines against
owners, occupants, or guests to cover costs incurred to bring
a lot into compliance with the Covenants or to cover damages
2. The HOA attorney, Mr. Matthew Winton, will recommend a
schedule of fines to the Board and a process for a reasonable
and fair review of a non-compliance.
3. The intent is to give the Board tools to address continued
homeowner disregard of the Covenants that affects the
neighborhood as a whole. For example, continued refusal to
maintain the yard.
4. Treasurer’s report
a. The financials for 2024 were reviewed as well as the budget for 2025.
5. Homeowner discussion/questions
a. A question was asked as to whether anyone has heard of plans for the Lone
Oak Park. No one was aware of any actions or news.
b. A stop sign on Lone Oak Drive at NW 158th St (our entrance) was discussed,
noting that it can be difficult to see cars coming around the curve on Lone
Oak Dr. A stop sign would need to be requested to Oklahoma City.
6. Board member nominations and elections – 2025 Board members:
a. Brandon Jackson - President
b. Debbie Hill - Treasurer
c. Mary Bohn - Secretary
d. Keith Hill – Grounds
e. Jingying Zhou - Member at Large
f. Kelsey Sweger – Member at Large
7. The Board will next meet on Monday, February 3rd, at 7:00 PM.
Brandon Jackson, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date