August, 2024
Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes
August 5, 2024
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Brandon Jackson, Keith Hill, Debbie Hill, Jingying Zhou, Stacy Moorhead, and Mary Bohn. Also present was Brooke Townsend.
3. Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.
4. Treasurer’s report
a. Costs for the month included insurance, two months of landscaping, and closing out the final payment to the Bearded Builder
5. Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none at this time
6. Old Business
a. The bases of our street signs need to be painted. Due to the price quoted in 2023 by the person who did prior painting, the Board decided to paint the signs ourselves. (Keith – in progress)
b. Effort to revise the covenants regarding rental properties:
i. Based on clarification from our HOA attorney, an amendment to the covenants would now require 60% approval of homeowners, rather than 80%. So, approval will be required from 59 lots out of 97.
ii. We propose to cap rentals at 10% of homes, and would grandfather existing rentals (12 total). We also propose an initial owner occupancy requirement that will restrict occupancy during the first twelve months of ownership of a home to the owner or family members. Homes that are occupied by family members are not considered rentals.
iii. Block captains, who are gauging the neighborhood’s interest in an amendment, have determined the following indications from homeowners: 65 yes, 3 no, 7 maybe, and 22 left to be contacted.
iv. Emily Tatro is getting set up as a notary since all voting signatures must be notarized.
v. We can already ban Airbnb and VRBO under our current covenants because our covenants prohibit businesses and, in Oklahoma City, short term rentals require a business license and the payment of business taxes, and further because short term rental use of Property treats the house as a commodity or product rather than a home or residence, the operation of the short term rental or vacation use is a covenant violation.
vi. Actions:
1. The block captains will contact as many of the remaining homeowners as possible. Brooke will draft a letter to be sent to those who cannot be contacted (complete)
2. Mary will ask Mr. Winton if we can use a residency restriction and a 10% cap, and what the lead time would be for a draft amendment. Mr. Winton replied in the affirmative, and his detailed response was emailed to the Board. (complete)
3. Debbie reviewed the financials and determined that our water usage is significantly less than budgeted due to good weather and the reduction in water usage at the entrance due to planting drought tolerant plants. A savings of $3500 is expected, which can be used to fund the legal fees for a covenant change (complete)
4. Mary will contact Mr. Winton office to authorize drafting the amendment (complete – Mr. Winton responded that it would take about 30 days to get the amendment and voting document to the Board)
5. Mary will mail letters to homeowners we could not contact, informing them of the Boards plans to pursue an amendment (in progress)
6. Brandon will email the letter to the homeowner distribution list.
c. Mary will send a strong non-compliance letter to the owners of 4620 NW 158th St. The HOA will take action to clean the flower beds and bill the owners if needed. The non-compliance letter was dated June 29th with 10 days to remedy the issue.
i. The homeowner emailed the Board and said they will take action.
ii. To-date, the owner has not taken action on the flower beds.
iii. Brandon will email the homeowner to take action or the HOA will do so.
7. New Business
a. Yard-of-the-month
8. Date and time of the next meeting – Monday, September 9th at 7:00 PM.
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
Brandon Jackson, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date