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June, 2021

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

June 14, 2021

1. The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:45 PM following the neighborhood walkaround.

2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Debbie Hill, Stacy Moorhead, and Mary Bohn.

3. Minutes from the prior meetings were approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report

a. All dues have been paid for this year.

b. Bills paid this month include insurance, water bills, and the Quickbooks annual fee.

5. Grounds/Facilities

a. Dead shrubs at the entrance have been removed and additional annuals planted.

6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports

7. Old Business

a. The grass at the gate code box will be looked at to determine the best option. (Debbie – Fall)

b. Judi Startzman informed us that Susan Nixon’s car was stolen, not in our neighborhood but at another location. The car was recovered but all the contents had been removed, including the gate clicker. (On hold – unable to identify the clicker that was taken)

c. A non-compliance letter for lawn maintenance was sent to the following (complete)

i. 4629 NW 158th St. (yard not mowed and full of weeds)

d. Broken sprinkler head at the entrance requires repair. (Debbie - complete)

e. Katrina decorated the front gates for Memorial weekend (complete)

f. Gate clickers quit working for several days. PSI was called and completed repairs (Stacy - complete)

8. New Business

a. The annual walkaround identified eight yards needing attention (Mary will generate and mail non-compliance letters)

9. Date and time of the next meeting – July 12th, 7:00 PM. The location will be determined prior to the meeting.

____________________________________ ________________________________ Katina Smith, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date


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