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June, 2024

Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes

June 10, 2024


1.     The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM.

2.     Quorum was certified.  Board members present were Brandon Jackson, Keith Hill, Debbie Hill, Jingying Zhou, and Mary Bohn.  Also present were Judi Startzman, Emily Tatro, and Brooke Townsend.

3.     Minutes from the prior meeting were approved.

4.     Treasurer’s report

a.      The HOA attorney obtained the full amount of dues, interest, and fees for one outstanding homeowner dues.

b.     Judi offered to contact another homeowner with outstanding dues, who is a friend.

5.     Ad Hoc Committee Reports – none at this time

6.     Old Business

a.      A section of the brick wall on the north side of the entrance, which was excluded from the original brick wall repair, requires further investigation and bids.  We believe that the current footings for that section are insufficient, so the work will be extensive.

            i.     Closed - Fox Brick and Stone Masonry looked at the wall and determined that no action is needed at this time.  He believes the cracks in the sidewalk are because the wall and sidewalk were built touching each other, and settling has caused the two to interact.  The mason suggested that we could place a sealant, such as M35, in the space where the wall has pulled away from the pillar, if desired.

b.     Automatic payment of the water bills (Brandon will work with Debbie)

c.      The bases of our street signs need to be painted.  Due to the price quoted in 2023 by the person who did prior painting, the Board decided to paint the signs ourselves.  (Keith - obtain the Rustoleum paint and schedule painting the signs.

d.     Debbie and Brandon will coordinate adding Brandon to the HOA checking account.

e.      Determine how/if we wish to proceed with a financial audit (ongoing)

                    i.     For this year’s financials, all invoices are being added to a google document which all Board members can view.

                   ii.     Once Brandon is on the checking account, he will add bank statements to the google document.  The Board will then internally match the statements to the invoices to confirm proper handing.

f.      Sprinklers - repairs have been completed at the entrance, other repairs are in progress.

g.     Yard of the month for June – 15804 Wild Creek Drive has been selected, owned my James and Jennifer Hinkle.

h.     Discuss effort to revise covenants

                   i.     An amendment to the covenants would require 80% approval of homeowners, which would be 78 lots out of 97.  We propose to cap rentals at 10% of homes, and would grandfather existing rentals (12 total).  We would also require rentals to be at least 30 days to avoid Airbnb or VRBO.

                  ii.     We agreed to have block captains gauge the neighborhood’s interest in approving an amendment.  Block captains are Judi Startzman, Emily Tatro, Brooke Townsend, and Rushali Kale. 

                 iii.     Brooke Townsend will draft the script for the captains (complete).

                iv.     Status from the block captains.

1.     So far, the indication from homeowners is as follows:  65 yes, 3 no, 7 maybe, and 22 left to be contacted.

2.     Debbie will call the management company for the rental on her cul-de-sac.

                 v.     Emily is getting set up as a notary.

                vi.     Mary will email Matthew Winton, our HOA attorney, with the Board’s questions regarding whether it is legal to completely ban rentals or whether we should cap it at 10% (with existing rentals grandfathered), whether we can ban rentals less than 30 days to prevent Airbnb and vrbo rentals, whether ballets must be notarized, and whether the document he provided nine years ago on this subject is still valid.

7.     New Business

a.      The Board was sent a request to share ¼ of the cost ($1300) to paint the railing on the bridge over the waterway on Lone Oak Drive.  We believe the City maintains the bridge.  Brandon will investigate.

b.     The Bearded Builder, who performed the brick work on the wall, sent the same invoice as previously provided, minus the $2K that was agreed upon and paid.  In a meeting with the Board in August of 2023, the builder agreed to provide detail regarding the additional amount invoiced, but that detail has never been provided.  Brandon will follow up.

c.      For the Cassity Gies house, 4641 NW 158th Street, Brandon will obtain lease information.

d.     Debbie will turn on the sprinklers for all zones.  They are already on at the entrance.

e.      Mary will send a strong letter to the owners of 4620 NW 158th St and to the owners of 15721 Wild Creek Drive regarding the status of their yards and flower beds.  The HOA will take action to clean the beds and bill the owners if needed.

8.      Date and time of the next meeting – Tuesday, July 16th, at 7:00 PM Mary’s house.





   _______________________________________            ____________________________________  

Brandon Jackson, President         Date             Mary Bohn, Secretary             Date


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