March, 2022
Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes
March 14, 2022
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM.
2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Katina Smith, Debbie Hill, and Mary Bohn.
3. Minutes from the prior meetings were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report
a. Eight homeowner dues are outstanding. Debbie will send invoices with interest, and if not paid, they will be turned over to the attorney for collection.
5. Grounds/Facilities
a. The pond maintenance invoice for the year was received.
6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
7. Old Business
a. We are getting low on clickers. Stacy will order a box of ten. (in progress)
b. During the annual meeting, it was suggested that the gate be painted to improve its appearance and help prevent further rust. Katina obtained a quote for $287, which the Board approved. (complete – the gate has been painted)
c. The Board needs to begin requesting quotes for 2022 landscaping. Debbie has asked LPs (Fernando’s) to provide a bid for the current year. (in progress)
d. The red playground equipment could use a coat of paint. Katina obtained a quote from the gentleman who painted the gate and the Board approved the quote. The work will be completed when the weather cooperates.
e. The benches at the playground need to be replaced. We may also want to place concrete blocks under the bench legs to keep them from sinking into the dirt. (Adam will research several options)
f. Katina will start planning for Easter activities.
g. Mary will contact Bailey Williams regarding updating the web site.
8. New Business
a. The sprinklers will be check and reactivated soon.
b. Stacy will provide two clickers for Laura Eckman, who provided payment to Debbie. (complete)
c. A homeowner asked whether solar panels are allowed. Section 8.1.13 of the covenants states that solar panels are allowed but shall not be visible from the street.
d. Non-compliance letters will be sent to the following homeowners (Mary)
i. 4636 NW 158th regarding countertop and shelf unit leaning against the fence, visible from the street.
ii. 4628 NW 159th regarding wires handing on the house and around the tree.
9. Date and time of the next meeting – April 11th at 7:00 PM at Katina’s house.
____________________________________ ___________________________ Katina Smith, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date