September, 2021
Lone Oak Creek Homeowners’ Association Minutes
September 13, 2021
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:12 PM.
2. Quorum was certified. Board members present were Katina Smith, Debbie Hill, Stacy Moorhead, and Mary Bohn.
3. Minutes from the prior meetings were approved.
4. Treasurer’s Report
a. Expenses included three month of LPs landscape maintenance.
5. Grounds/Facilities
6. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
7. Old Business
a. The grass at the gate code box will be looked at to determine the best option. (Debbie – the grass is looking better so we will continue to watch it)
b. Lone Oak Drive lighting and potential cost to each neighborhood – we do not want to pay for this. Each neighborhood entrance already has street lights, which is sufficient.
c. The sprinklers were not working at the Creek Heights green belt area, at the corner of NW 157th. Debbie contacted JMac.
8. New Business
a. In the next month, we will ask LPs to plant clusters of pansies, especially in the middle island at the entry.
b. Katina will change the gate decorations in early October (done).
9. Date and time of the next meeting – October 11th, at 7:00 PM, at Katina’s house
____________________________________ ___________________________ Katina Smith, President Date Mary Bohn, Secretary Date